Dee Joiner


On Hold

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  • Photoshoot for Scout Editorial where I worked as an intern stylist under Aya Zacharias for Develop Models.
  • We worked together to develop the concept, pull clothing, style the models, and build the set.
  • 'On Hold" is based on office women who are usuallly overworked yet underappreciated.
  • The contrast between the lounge setting and formal attire is rooted in how women have been working hard for centuries, but are still fighting for their rights.
  • More traditional "masculine" pieces are used to further embody the inequality women face.

False Awakening

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  • I developed “False Awakening” to be inspired by a dreamer who believes they have awoken, but continues to be immersed in a distinct and realistic dream.
  • The concept connects in a more practical way to the false reality that we may find ourselves escaping to avoid the hardships of life.
  • Working with photographer Matthew Mason, we built the set with a bed positioned in a field during sunset to illustrate the blend of fantasy and actuality.
  • To further embody the dream elements, I paired wardrobe pieces that were sheer, pastel, and nightgown-like with dramatic makeup looks.
  • This photoshoot is also currently in the process of being published in Voface Magazine.